8:00am Holy Communion (spoken)
10:00am Holy Communion (with choir)
12:00pm La Misa en Espanol
Sunday's readings can be found in the menu to the left, under the tab "Ministry Schedule".
To worship together and to praise God is the central activity of our community. While we glory in the ancient liturgical and musical traditions of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion, we also work to understand the myriad ways in which Our Savior is known and worshiped throughout the world. Our worship is inspired, beautiful, deeply moving, and always warm and embracing.
As is true for much of the Episcopal Church, one of the most important aspects of our congregational worship is the Holy Eucharist (also called Holy Communion). Communion is the center of our life together. It is our belief that Christ draws ALL to the table to share in the Eucharistic feast. You will hear the priest say, "all who seek Christ or a deeper relationship with Christ, are welcome at this table." We mean that, and you are invited to participate as fully as they feel comfortable.
We strive to make our worship as welcoming and as friendly as possible. If you are unfamiliar with our tradition, the bulletin will help guide you through the liturgy. You will see directions in the bulletin about sitting and standing. Also, you might see members of the congregation kneeling, bowing, or making the sign of the cross during the liturgy. None of those actions are "requirements" and we invite you to participate in any way that feels authentic to you.